Wednesday 18 September 2013

Grow! Form and Grow


A very strong word and an even stronger emotion.
Most of us aren't cognizant enough to realize it or face it.
So is this one emotion given so much importance?

Anxiety,in lay man's language is basically "FEAR".
Before we do anything in life,anything at all. Be it as simple as crossing the road,or as complicated as driving up a hill in the middle of a downpour.

Yes,it's pretty natural to feel this emotion.
I remember how confident i was,about my singing. But right before i had to go up on stage,a billion thoughts would cross my mind. "Would i choke? What if i faint? Or barf? Or forget the words? What if people don't like it?" et cetera,are just a few examples.

Stats state,that it is natural to feel fear before doing anything.
During the summer of 2012,i went through the worst case of anxiety.
Getting into college. YES!
The thing is,you're under a lot of pressure. Pressure of scoring well,making parents proud,getting into the desired college,scholarship,approval of many things,SAT /GMAT scores,et cetera !
Yes, I know there are a billion people out there,who probably aim for the same thing,and that,in a very small percentage lowers your chance of attaining your desired goal.
But you know,no one great reached anywhere they are,without anxiety.

Yes,as much as we think of it as a demotivating factor,we must also try to look at it as a morale booster.
Sure,your destination is something a lot of people would like to acquire. But what makes you unique? Your confidence! Your confidence doesn't only mean what you show to the world.
Look inside. Keep telling yourself you're confident and worthy of what you want.
Instead of looking for materialistic things or people's reviews on lowering your anxiety levels,tell yourself you're so capable that no one can take away what you've got your eyes on.

"Fear is good. It means you're aiming at something big. Confidence is a friend. Learn to believe in yourself. Words can pacify you for the moment,but only you have the power to kill your fears."

Go ahead,stay strong. Become so confident of yourself,that the world sees you in a good light.
Peace xx

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