Wednesday 7 August 2013

Is He Really Up There?


An invisible being who supposedly makes most of your wishes come true,if you pray to him.
Everytime someone sneezes,our instant reaction is 'God bless'.
God is just a supernatural being who apparently comes in different forms,shapes,sizes,and yes,even genders.

I'm not an atheist,but certain recent events have helped me reconsider taking it up as an option.No,i don't not believe in god. Yes,the option sounds comforting.
I live in a country with a vast variety of not only culture,but also gods. 
India, is a country that doesn't restrict itself to Hinduism. We have Islam ,Buddhism and also Christianity(well,i know only of these three.)
So,in every religion there is a god.Buddhists have Buddha, Christians have Jesus Christ,Muslims have Allah,And Hindus have What not?
We have Durga,Ganesha,Parvati,Shiva,Ram,Hanuman,And so many more that i may never have heard of.

At the end of the day,They're all the same.They all have the same power and equivalent respect.

Blessings. Something we all need in our lives.
But i always question one thing- "God is one. So even though he/she comes in various forms,does he really have the time to bless all of us?"

Since the beginning of time,We've been told to be good,to follow in the steps of justice and rightousness,believe in god and don't question his ways.

Well,i've been sincere, i've always been good. I haven't murdered anyone, and my karma seems to have gold stars on it. But why god?Why have you been cruel to me?

Taking away a good,innocent man at a young age,puzzles me.I question your ways today,for i believe not only i,but my mother and my late father have been wronged.
They say god has his ways of teaching people. Everything happens for the best. Really?
I suppose not.

Taking away good people is something god has possibly fancied for as far as i can remember.
Why is that good people leave the earth at an earlier age, as compared to those horrifying,undignified,treacherous souls? 
Why do people who believe in god, go earlier than those who don't really give a damn?
Why do we have more bad people than good living on this planet?

I don't suppose i could turn to "God" for the answers to my questions.
I don't really expect any human to respond to them either.
But is it god's way of telling us to be bad?
I'm not asking you to turn into an evil person. i just reckon that you give it a thought.
Maybe he wants the world to turn so bad,that he gives up hope,and someday the entire world will crash.
So yes,thankyou god for being everywhere. And snatching away good people. I'm sure the rest of us are just like an ant experiment for you. Entertaining you with our happy or miserable lives.
I hope that you're getting entertained. 
We wouldn't want to disappoint you by being good anymore.

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