Friday 16 August 2013

The Eternal One


 The eternal flame.
One of the five elements.
Fire can be so many things at once.
Just a flame, a source of light, a beam, a killer,a life saver,et cetera.

But for me, it's a part of my Resurrection.

This flame,be it an ordinary substance of absolutely no value to you,actually does relate to you and your life.
Think about it,something as simple and probably as meaningless as fire,is something very essential to all of us.
Daily usage of fire,is probably inevitable.

Now,why do i call it a part of my resurrection?
This is because,resurrection simply means a new start,a new you.
Just like the mythological bird- Phoenix, rises from its ashes once set on fire.
The exact same way,even without literally being burned,one can say they have been resurrected.
And in my case,it most certainly has.
Even though i've not been burnt,a part of me has risen from the sorrow in my life.

They say it's not the problem. It is how you perceive the problem.
True. If u stand there,just letting things affect you, you might as well just go sit in a box and do nothing.
But if you face life with all you've got,believe me,even if you come out with scars and bruises,it'd be worth it.

Every problem in life is like a fire.
You either wait,and let it burn you. Or look for ways to defeat it before it defeats you.

And remember. No problem lasts too long. 
As fierce and strong as a fire can be, at some point of time,it slowly dies down.
So no matter what hits you hard,face this fire in your life and realize that you're strong than it. 


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