Friday 12 July 2013

To Be,Or Not To Be...!

"The inevitable,yet necessary. This ordinary,yet life altering thing called change."

Change. Something, that to most people,isn't important. Well,it should be. 

It's a silent life learning process.
How many of us are afraid of change?
Going away for college to another city,taking up a new job far away,paying your own bills,getting into a steady relationship,changing streams,oh and the worst one of them all- growing up.

Honestly,don't we all think we have everything figured out?Like, where we are,is where our life is supposed to be?

We tend to go into a comfort zone,our lil shell. And we make it so comfortable,that we don't wish to leave.
We don't really think of the possibilities that could be available to us,if we only dared to step out. If only.

Well,Change has a strong relationship with growth.

Hence,when we grow,we change.
It's a natural process,and believe me,no matter how much we try to stop it,it still keeps coming our way.

Here,i say change is sometimes necessary. Eg: You like a boy. And he is non-responsive. Hence,You must leave the scumbag,change your feelings,and move on.(See,it's necessary for your betterment!)

And change is inevitable,when it's time to get serious about your life. Moving out of your comfort zone,and getting to know the real world. The real deal.

Change,is not necessarily likable. But it certainly happens for a reason. It's something that we have no choice,but to deal with. 

It can be positive, or negative. But that depends on your action. Change doesn't always mean that it's an "action". It is a "reaction" of the actions we choose. 
So,keep calm,and be positive about this change. And if it's a decision you have to make,remember: 
"Life always keeps moving forward. Time doesn't turn back,for anyone. Lost time,is a waste. And opportunities don't come knocking on your door everyday."

So what are you waiting for?

Go!Embrace and accept this new change. Look forward to it. And Smile!
After all, a Frog only sticks around his community,whereas a lion moves forward,and always takes chances.

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