Thursday, 8 December 2016

Colorful Notions: The Roadtrippers 1.0

Travel, fiction and realistic emotions.
Colorful notions, by Mohit Goyal is a well balanced combination of the above.
Imagine quitting your job to pursue your passion. Most of us don't have it in us, but some of us do.

The story starts on a delightful note. What caught my eye was the reason why this journey was set to take over a couple of months of their lives. The symbolism of the number "25", is incredibly believable and it adds a unique touch to the story(in my opinion).

As you read, you're engulfed in the book and you travel with the characters themselves. With the attention in detail, the reader easily paints a picture in his/her head.

Abhay, Sashank and Unnati are the travellers. 
Abhay longs for relationships. Comes from a broken family and stays detached. 
His best friend, Shashank is a businessman with a weakness for food.
Unnati is Sashank fiancĂ©e.

A journey filled with risks, adventure and is nothing less than a rollercoaster ride. A test of emotions, friendship, love.

All in all, a very sought out book. Adventure, thrill, excitement. Once you pick up the book, you won't be able to stop reading :)