Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Mother Dearest!

They say that you choose your family, before you set foot into this world.
In that case, i am grateful for having the opportunity of choosing my parents!
Well, last year, this month, i lost my father.
My mom and i, felt rather cheated upon.
Yes, We've been through so many hurdles in the course of one year.
Not saying that people don't face challenges in their everyday life.
But how often does one recover from the loss of a loved one.
I look up to this woman, because everyday, i see her wake up, smile and put on a 
brave front!
I am proud of having the privilege to call her my mother.
For even in the darkest of moments, where no one could find hope,
or see even the faintest of light creeping in through the tiniest of
cassavas, she saw it, endured it, and made it more clear.
She is what I call A Warrior,A messiah, A beautiful soul.
Not many people know this, but i've been through a transition period.
I've matured over night, and alongside, as did my mother.
So, here's to beauty and brains, Courage and strength,
Brave and Bright!
Happy birthday,my Cheetah! 
I love you, forever and always!
Till the end of eternity!
God Bless you, for you deserve happiness to walk into your life.
I'm blessed to have you in my life,mom!
Love you xx